Thursday, October 18, 2007

Towrads a Research Question

I was hoping that my search for an article to critique would help me solidify some of the things I've been thinking these last couple of weeks. In some ways it did, though no flashes of brilliance and cries of "Eureka!" really took place.

I'm thinking about this whole offline-online identity question. I keep saying that there is no dichotomy and the two are more of a continuum rather than two sides of a coin. One of the articles I found was on Blogging and it gave me an idea that it might be a good way to explore this idea. What do people blog about? Do they assume different personalities under anonymous names? Don't most people blog about what's real to them in their offline lives? Then why the anonymity? To be a better blogger, or to be safe from recrimination? Or just because it's the way things are done?

I know I need to find more blogging-related studies. So that's what i'm going to do next. But as for the actual paper, I'm not clear on what I want to do yet.

1 comment:

SarahL said...

It sounds like you're on your way to narrowing down a topic from which to draw a question: issues of identity and anonymity in blogging. I can see a lit review that draws on two areas: literature regarding anonymity online, looking particularly at why people choose to be anonymous and what the implications are for their social interactions; and studies that examine identity in blogging. Identity has been a pretty big topic among blog research, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding things in that area.